Automobile Engineering
The objective of B.Tech program in Automobile Engineering is to give students a broad exposure in the design, development and testing of automobiles. Furthermore, the program trains them to meet the technological challenges and diverse needs of the industry and society in various areas of automobile engineering and equips them to excel in a truly competitive industry.
The automobile industry in India has witnessed a rapid growth over the last couple of decades and in recent years it has also captured the attention of the whole world with some innovative products. It includes manufacturing of cars, two-wheelers like motorcycles, scooters, bikes, passenger cars, trucks, tractors, defense vehicles and buses. The automobile industry can be widely divided into car manufacturing, heavy vehicle manufacturing and two-wheeler manufacturing. It requires a skilled and trained manpower with good technical knowledge. There are plenty of employment opportunities for the qualified people and they can select a career in Automobile Industry, which leads to bright future.
The engineers of automobile engineering have to develop car bodies and build-ups with aggregates like engines, clutches, gears and steering. They have to design according the postulations of aerodynamics and stylistics, they have to construct and calculate according the postulations of functionality, safety, the dreasing of resources and the economy.
According the priority of the study the engineer gets activities as an engineer for development in body design, commercial and special vehicles or the design of motors and transmissions.
The practical classes for the students are held in the following laboratories: Engine Components Lab, Chassis Components Lab, Automotive Electrical Lab, Automotive Electronics Lab, Engine and Vehicle Testing Lab, Pollution Control Lab, Vehicle Maintenance Lab, Computation Lab, CAD Lab. Application for Engine and Chassis Design
Modern Equipment Available
- 11 Kw Vibro Meter Type Eddy Current Dynamometer For Engine Testing (to be purchased)
- Emission Measuring Equipment
- Micro-Processor & Micro Controller Training Kits for Automotive Electronics
- Computer-Aided Design and Analysis System
- Automotive Embedded System Software’s
- Automotive Electrical Test Bench
- Engine testing equipment
- Emission gas analyzer
The Department is considering the possibilities of starting new programmes in the areas of Car Designing, Automotive Electronics and GPS system.